Hunt for Europe 2.0
Newsletter no. 1
A webinar presentation of the “Hunt for Europe” project was held on 9 June 2021. The project was funded by the “ERASMUS +” programme and has seven international partners: MTU (Ireland, Coordinator), Die Berater (Austria), LudusXR (Denmark), Wisamar (Germany), Vardakeios School of Hermoupolis (Greece), EnAIP Piemonte (Italy), Centre 4 Education (Spain).
It involved our stakeholders, i.e. 40 teachers of the partner countries who will be involved in the test with their students next year.
It’s a mix between learning the language and learning aspects of everyday life, customs, and traditions of a country, with a view to total integration, the most important objective of the project.
Through participation in an interactive game, Hunt for Europe teaches foreign languages and aims at a comparison between the different cultures of the participants. It consists in two main parts: The first teaches the language and daily communication methods of a given culture; The second tests through gameplay on all that has been learned previously and it’s an interactive book, consisting of many lessons for each of the available languages with a different storyline and a series of narrative elements for each character of each partner nation.
Therefore, the project leads to a climate of integration and unity through the knowledge of languages and cultures.
Admirers of Greek Philosophy
Vardakeios School is one of the partners of Hunt for Europe 1 and 2 projects. As we teach Greek language to foreigners, our students are always the people we get feedback from and comments during the creation of the game and the skill builder platform (with videos, text, grammar and vocabulary exercises). They are really excited that they get to see a graphical environment based on Syros Island and they love the cultural elements since they are fond of Greek philosophy. They have read about our main historical figure, the philosopher Pherekydes, and they have visited the place he used to live. They have also visited Dilos, the sacred island where he was buried.
It was also their idea to select 5 philosophers (Pythagoras, Thales, Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles) that will be inserted as cultural elements on Hunt for Europe 2.0, and they will play a key role in the game. Stay tuned and you will learn more about the Greek philosophers.
Playing games is cool. Playing games with friends, is even cooler!
That is why we are currently turning our already existing, games-based, language and culture learning platform, The Hunt for Europe, into a multiplayer adventure as well. Starting from the halls of the EU parliament you can now join a friend, or a complete stranger, in learning the language and culture of your choice, while having to cooperate linguistically when talking to the local inhabitants, but also work together to solve a series of challenges that can only be solved by working together.
You can text-chat with each other during the game, or talk to each other via the voice interaction, just like in other online games. We are also integrating Artificial Intelligence in our e-learning platform. This means that, based on how well you do as a learner or player, we make recommendations as to which materials might be best suitable to move on with, going forward.
We claim that Hunt for Europe is the first learning platform ever, yes ever, that attempts to create a games-based world, focusing on language and culture, using artificial intelligence and Multiplayer capabilities to support the learner. We are extremely excited about this and look forward to showing you much more in the future.
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