Hunt For Europe


We collaborate with a network of dedicated partners who share our passion for safeguarding and preserving our shared heritage. Explore our partner pages to learn more about the organizations and institutions working with us to make ‘Hunt For Europe’ a success.


Center for Education was established in 2012 and is a Not for Profit Association based in the Marina Cala D’or, Mallorca, Spain. The team of professional educators and volunteers works towards the following goals and objectives: a) Promotion, research and the commission of training and education for children, youth and adults, b) The improvement of education and training opportunities in both content and method c ) To increase the availability of education and training, d) To achieve more interest and success in education and training and e) Improve the chances on employment, improve re-entry into education or self-employment and thus reduce unemployment and to remedy social problems. For this, Center for Education provides education and training for children, youth and adults (often with migrant background) in form of language courses, digital / computer courses and key competence training to improve employability. The Center is attended by students who range from a variety of social backgrounds, who come from many different EU countries and whose ranges from 16 years upwards.


ENAIP, Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale, is a non-profit association which operates at a national and international level, with initiatives being addressed to youngsters, workers and companies, and has been legally recognized since 1961. END Piedmont operates in the regional area of Piedmont with a General Direction and 17 vocational training centers located in each province. The main objective is to enhance human resources and the most significant areas are training, guidance, consultancy, support in the professional insertion and job creation. We offer tools and means to design the most suitable opportunities for personal and professional development. We believe in the central role of each individual and we support the use of knowledge, technology and technique, to fully operate into society and into the labor market. Each project is created with two key elements, professionalism and reliability, and a particular attention is given to integration and equal opportunity issues. Know, know-how and know how to represent the three pillars of our vocational training.


Wisamar is a non-profit educational institute in Leipzig, Germany, acting in vocational, cultural and adult education. Wisamar has been accredited by TÜV as an education provider according to the Employment Office of the Federal Employment Office (AZAV) and also at the Office of Migration and Refugees as Integration Course Provider. The quality management system in the AZAV accreditation process is audited on an annual basis. Wisamar works in four areas: – Integration – labor market and social integration – Further education. – Project Office. – EU Mobility & Mobility Consultancy. The aim of the organization is the promotion of education, tolerance and international attitude in all spheres of understanding between different peoples, cultures and education.


die Berater® is a leading consulting company with a focus on education and training. They offer holistic management consulting, coach employees and managers and specialize in personality, language and IT trainings. Their range of services is aimed at private individuals, companies of all industries and of all sizes, the public sector such as the job centre, ministries, the European Commission as well as the entire education system. Their work focuses on people with their individual needs, opportunities and interests.


Vardakeios School of Ermoupoli is an non profit association based on Syros island in Greece,was established in 1872 and for 150 years has been offering formal and informal education in students with different social and cultural background. In the modern years, since 2004 the School organizes programs for adults that focus on foreign language learning, basic educational skills and self enrichment. The school offers courses of Greek, English, Spanish, Italian and French language for local unemployed people and immigrants. The courses are aimed at adults and the students have the opportunity to be prepared for the State Language Certificates. Every year over 150 beneficiaries attend one or more language courses. Since 2009 Vardakeios participates in European programs for Adult Education and has developed a strong national and European network of organizations that work in the same field. Through these projects and partnerships the School contributes in the development of useful educational resources about digital storytelling, language learning through 3D environment or for organizing workshops based on healthy eating and multiethnic food.


Munster Technological University is a multi-campus technological university, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research. MTU has an extensive and impressive regional footprint with six campuses across the South-West region in Cork and Kerry, a student body of 18,000, offering more than 140 programmes and with numerous links with colleges worldwide. The aim of MTU is to provide education and research opportunities for career-focused learners and to develop long term partnerships with industry and community. Through partnering with industry and community, MTU will seek out dynamic cross-sector relationships with start-ups, innovators and industry leading companies. MTU will continue to invest in the future with state-of-the-art research, education, enterprise, cultural and sports facilities.


Pistes-Solidaires is an association for non-formal education and the promotion of active methods because we believe that education can be attractive, concrete and adapted to life outside of school and in touch with the problems of our world. And the For us, education also means learning to be resilient, to become a responsible citizen, to adapt to change, to identify and resolve local problems whose causes are global, to meet other cultures while respecting them and to build a peaceful society. and sustainable.
Pistes-Solidaires promotes lifelong education The concept of lifelong education has become a key to entering the 21st century. It goes beyond the traditional distinction between primary education and continuing education. It joins another concept often put forward: that of the educational society, where everything can be an opportunity to learn and develop one’s talents.


At LudusXR we specialize in developing computer games and digital tools for learning, education and training, particularly in ERASMUS+ / EU projects. Prior to establishing LudusXR, for the past 10 years, we have run an IT-department at the Resource Center for Integration, in Vejle Municipality, Denmark. Here we worked as Project Coordinators, Partners, developers, fundraisers, sales- & marketing departments and many other roles. In other words, we are the full package.

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